NLVC supports founders and their companies, not simply with capital but with insights and real, measurable value from first-hand experience as successful entrepreneurs, operating executives, market visionaries, applied scientists, and engineers.

Focused on tailwinds that stage exceptional opportunities

Early-stage technology investing necessitates one to come to a conclusion early on about how secular shifts can help realize unprecedented opportunities, particularly at the convergence of societal change and technological advancement. This requires foresight – the ability to spot trends not only from analytics but also from first-hand experience and recognizing the opportunity among the noise. It also requires insight from diverse perspectives, which can drive a lateral approach to a problem that previously was considered impractical.

Over the past decades since NLVC’s founding, tailwinds have been critical in shaping the opportunities that NLVC-backed founders have pursued, such as: digitalization, IT-centered approaches in enterprise and healthcare sectors, and, increasingly, a focus on sustainability and carbon footprint. The world is experiencing unprecedented societal and demographic changes and lifestyle and behavioral shifts, whether it is an economically active generation with the prospect of living to 100 or the generations born after 1990 who see the world differently than ever before.

The healthcare, enterprise, and consumer industries are all undergoing rapid development and innovation.
The most profound and disruptive opportunities still lie ahead.

What We Look for

Beyond a great idea and a clear vision and mission, we look to partner with the best forward-looking CEOs with a mix of life, entrepreneurial, and industry experiences.

Each investment is vetted by thoroughly reviewing the risks and opportunities. The challenge for VCs is finding the right balance. A too conservative approach can mean missing a huge opportunity. Delivering returns to LPs is also a driving force in weighing an investment opportunity. However, each end goal is the same – ensuring the company’s success and benefit to larger society.